Staff, students, and friends from across the decades gather to celebrate 70 years of learning in the Outer Hebrides

UHI North, West and Hebrides has celebrated 70 years of post-school learning in the Outer Hebrides – from the opening of Lews Castle College in 1953 as a technical school to support local trades to the present day as one of the largest partners within the University of the Highlands and Islands partnership.

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Former Head of Engineering Dan Maclean with the current Head of Engineering Roddy Ferguson

The college welcomed staff, students and supporters, past and present to the campus in Stornoway on Thursday (29th September).

Guests travelled from near and far, including Catriona Nicolson, the niece of the first Lews Castle School Head Teacher, John MacSween, who travelled from Buckinghamshire to join the celebration.

UHI North, West and Hebrides Principal Lydia Rohmer with Catriona Nicolson, Niece of John Macsween, the first Head Teacher of the Lews Castle School

The college was also delighted to welcome former principals, Mick Roebuck and David Green, to the celebration, along with board members and former and current staff and students. The event was an opportunity for friends of the college to reminisce and share stories.

Guests enjoying the archive exhibition

The exhibition boasted photographs from three Royal visits, including the first visit of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip and Princess Margaret in 1956, where they were given displays of weaving, woodwork and other displays from students.

Guests were welcomed by UHI North, West and Hebrides Principal, Lydia Rohmer, who said: “This event is the opportunity to recognise the huge impact the college has made to the Outer Hebrides over the last 70 years. The college was formed in the face of enormous economic and social changes following the Second World War and the need to support our local communities in the face of huge upheaval. The creation of a Technical School was recognised to support the local population and economy and it welcomed its first female students in 1976. It grew in success, first as Lews Castle College and then as a valued partner within the University of the Highlands and Islands, adding higher education and research to its offering. This continues with the formation of UHI North, West and Hebrides and we look forward to continuing our work in supporting the needs of our local communities across the Outer Hebrides.”

Former students from the Class from 1976 Mairi Nicolson, Helen MacDonald, Margeart Nicolson

A website has been created to document the history of the college and share the stories of staff and students. People are welcome to enjoy these stories and submit their own -

For more information, please contact Kathryn Lamont Smith, UHI North, West and Hebrides, by emailing or telephone 01847 889 000.