
Uist Virtual Archaeology Project

Project Team

The project is led by Dr Emily Gal and Dr Rebecca Rennell, UHI North, West and Hebrides Archaeological staff, working with digital design team Peel Interactive.

The teams are working together with schools and other community groups to create realistic and immersive reconstructions. The first site to be reconstructed and animated in 3D were the Bronze Age roundhouses and mummified remains at Cladh Hallan, South Uist which date to around 1500 BC. The reconstructions allow visitors to explore these sites, peel back layers and gain valuable interpretive insight that has never been possible before. The app has recently been updated with two new sites: Iron Age Cill Donnain and


The Uist Virtual Archaeology Project is supported by the Natural and Cultural Heritage Fund, a new programme of projects which will invest almost £9 million in the Highlands and Islands to provide more and better-quality opportunities for visitors to enjoy natural and cultural heritage assets. The Fund is led by NatureScot and is part-funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Alongside the Natural and Cultural Heritage Fund, the Uist Virtual Archaeology Project has also received funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Crown Estate Ward Funds, Stòras Uibhist and UHI North, West and Hebrides giving the project a total value of over £400,000.

To find out more about the project, please follow the dedicated project pages: