Colin Meagher


BA (Hons) Applied Music

My participation in the UHI Outer Hebrides Applied Music Course is a wonderful opportunity for me. It provides context to the Scottish music I learned while growing up in the USA culture. I have a lot of contextual blank spots in my understanding of Scottish pipe tunes and the UHI courses with robust discussions, research, and projects are helping me fill in the blanks. Also -learning keeps me young!


Applied Music provides a really student-centred approach and that starts with me being able to choose a performance practice tutor of my choice. My studies at UHI continue to challenge and motivate me to reach deeper to improve my understanding of and skills in performing Celtic music on flute and bagpipes.

Everyone on the course is very friendly and there is a real sense of community even though I am in a different country. We have good discussions and opportunities to collaborate and I feel like I am getting to know others as musicians as well as students.

  • What are your favourite things about the university? The UHI program is online and allows international students to study Scottish Celtic music in their home country. It is great that the UHI have a partnership with the National Piping Centre which has provided me with access to world-class instrumental tuition.
  • What are your favourite things about the university? The UHI program is online and allows international students to study Scottish Celtic music in their home country. It is great that the UHI have a partnership with the National Piping Centre which has provided me with access to world-class instrumental tuition.