
Study Engineering

From the phone you’re holding to the WiFi you’re using, almost every aspect of modern life depends on engineering.  

From Boeing to Microsoft and from Shell to Ferrari, engineering is the largest industry in the world – and its influence continues to grow. Engineering encompasses many diverse and exciting areas, including:

  • Internet, Computing and Telecommunications
  • Aerospace and Automotive
  • Energy and Oil
  • Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Biotechnology.

The constantly changing and developing nature of engineering means that it is a dynamic and rewarding industry to be involved in.

engineering student working in workshop
engineering student working with wires
engineering student working
engineering student with the teacher

Why study with us

We offer a range of high-quality courses, taught by experts with a proven track record in delivering the curriculum in key engineering subject areas. Our staff have extensive industrial experience and who have published numerous peer-reviewed research papers.

We work closely with local businesses to ensure we are training you to industry standards, so you can gain the skills and attributes that are really valued by employers. As a result, many companies offer our students work placements, apprenticeships and traineeships which can lead to employment. Click to see the Construction Employers we work with.

You will have the opportunity to be involved in local community projects, enhancing your skills in areas such as site working, project management, team working and working safely in a construction environment.

We offer opportunities for postgraduate study in engineering, including the ability to apply for postgraduate scholarships. The engineering department attracts students from across Europe to study on our degree courses giving a rich cultural diversity and adding to your university experience.


A Modern Apprenticeship provides you with vocational training relevant to your employment, so you can earn while you learn and gain a recognised qualification while in work. 

See the range of progression routes our courses can offer. 

Engineering Progression Diagram


Student story

 Do it, take the leap, you won’t lose anything from trying and you stand to gain so much more! 

It’s not perfect as things never are but my lecturers have all been passionate, helpful, and encouraging. The classes have been challenging but this has helped me to grow as a person. Covid 19 has also not provided an environment that aided University teaching, but I never felt as though the lecturers weren’t working hard to deliver their best and I’m happy with the support I’ve received. 

BEng (Hons) Energy Engineering

engineering student receiving award