Tamara Griffiths


(Part-Time) Lecturer


Previously taught undergraduates at the University of New Hampshire in Italy. Beyond academic work I ran a small eco-tourism business in the mountains where I offered various experience economy products involving Slow living and interpretation. During this time I also worked as a translator for a mountain national park and was involved in research projects focusing on mountain niche economies, sustainable tourism and entrepreneurialism. 

Research background

I work within the theoretical frameworks of sustainability studies and environmental anthropology with a strong focus on exploring anthropocentric and biocentric synergies. In addition to my master's degree in Sustainable Mountain Development, University of Highlands and Islands, I have a PhD from University of Malta in anthropology focused on the human relationship to nature and Heideggerian philosophy.

  • Author of several books on mountain studies in Central Italy.
  • Editorial assistant for Journal of Mediterranean Studies 2017-2018.

Teaching Responsibilities

Management of Adventure Tourism

Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality

Adventure Tourism Guiding and Interpretation

Developing Entrepreneurial Effectiveness

Niche Tourism

Contemporary Issues in Management.

Other areas of interest

Mountains and everything relating to them. Human relationship to nature. Custodianship of biodiversity. 'Slow' rural livelihoods. Alternative economies. As part of an agro-forestry for climate change project, I became involved in cultivating truffles and nature-first farming, and am a member of a truffle cultivators' association.