Heidi Shingler


Lecturer and Researcher


I have worked for UHI since 2018 to establish the Adventure Therapy undergraduate modules and Post Graduate Certificate in Outdoor and Adventure Therapeutic Practice.

My work prior to this included a blend of outdoor education, expedition work and therapeutic work. I have enjoyed many adventures and journeys working by land and sea with groups and individuals. My passion for the outdoors developed at a young age and evolved into a career through gaining NGB's (ML, RCI, CWI, CWDI, LNT-Master Educator, BCU-Coach), through university education and through working in the field.

As an Integrative Humanistic counsellor, I work in a range of indoor and outdoor contexts, blending the outdoors and therapy. I am dedicated to furthering the field of adventure therapy through research, training, education and building an established network in the UK.

As a Leave No Trace Master Educator, I work collaboratively to deliver Leave No Trace trainer courses and awareness workshops across the UK for outdoor education providers, Mountain Training Association Members and Universities to provide practical and ethical education for sustainable recreational behaviour in the outdoors.

Teaching responsibilities

I have developed and taught many undergraduate modules within the School of Adventure Studies. The main areas that I have been involved in teaching are focused on Adventure therapy, Outdoor research and Outdoor Learning.

I am currently leading and teaching on the following:

  • Adventure therapy (year 3 undergraduate)
  • Theoretical basis of outdoor and adventure therapies (PGcert)
  • Reflexive therapeutic practice in outdoor environments (PGcert)


My research expertise includes: Adventure therapy, Embodied Process, Lived Experience, Competency, Professional Practice, Outdoor Adventure, Phenomenology 

See full research profile

Academic Qualifications

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Certificate in Counselling Children and Young People, Strathclyde University, 2021.

Diploma in Integrative Humanistic Counselling, NCS Accredited, 2018.

MA in Outdoor Education, University of Worcester, 2017.

BSc (Hons) in Outdoor Adventure Leadership and Management, 2014.

Professional Roles:

I am a Scottish representative for the ‘Adventure Therapy International Committee’, and a member of UK based working groups including the ‘Outdoor Therapy Network for UK and Ireland’ and the ‘Therapeutic Outdoors’ Institute for Outdoor Learning discussion group.

Professional Memberships

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, 

Mountain Training Association, 

British Canoe Union, 

Institute for Outdoor Learning. 

Other areas of interest

Walking the dog at least twice a day. Playing outside with my daughter. Climbing, sea kayaking and breathing in fresh air.