
Gaelic Song as an Introduction to Gaelic Language content Two musicians playing instruments and a person dancing

Gaelic Song as an Introduction to Gaelic Language

An introduction to Gaelic language and culture through Gaelic song. Learn the rhythms and sounds of the language on your journey to fluency and study the fascinating folk culture of the Gael.

Start Date: 21st Oct, 2pm

Fees: £80

Contact:  or call 01851 770 000 for more information 

The Supernatural History of the Highlands and Islands content folklore

The Supernatural History of the Highlands and Islands

The supernatural realm lives cheek by jowl with the living world in the everyday lives of Scotland’s Gaels. From apparitions to second sight, the ‘Gaelic Otherworld,’ as John Gregorson Campbell described it, has been an integral part of Gaelic culture since time immemorial. Come and join this fascinating ten-week online course.

Start Date: because of the popularity of this course, we are offering a number of potential dates and times.

Potential October 2024 options:

  • 21st October at 4pm
  • 21st October at 7.30pm
  • 22nd October at 4pm
  • 23rd October at 7.30pm

Potential Feb 2024 dates: 

  • 10th February at 4pm
  • 10th February at 7.30pm
  • 11th February at 4pm
  • 12th February at 7.30pm

Fees: £80

Contact: to discuss your preferred date please contact lecturer Allan Henderson on