NPA E-Sport SCQF 4


Female looking at screen working on computer game graphics



Love gaming? Turn your passion into a career in the world of Esports - a rapidly growing worldwide industry with many job opportunities including managing and promoting e-sports teams and events and creating content for web/social media platforms.


Level SCQF 4


Online: Virtual Schools Timetable


Location Highland Council Virtual School

Duration 1 Year


Course content...

The qualification is made up of three units.

  • Esports: The Esports Industry
  • Esports: Game Performance
  • Esports: Organising & Promoting Events


What next...

There are talks underway within UHI to create an e-sports degree with a pathway from FE. All the skills learnt will be transferable to many industries, but ideally a career in the e-sports industry, which is growing world-wide.

On successful completion of the NPA, learners may also progress directly onto HNC Digital Design with Web Development.


Entry requirements...

An interest in e-sports, and the management and promotional side of e-sports.

You will require a computer although these are available to use within our college centres.