NPA Aquaculture SCQF 4


Marine Harvest Fish Farm



The Maritime Sector is a major employer in Scotland. One growing area is Aquaculture and there will be a need in the years to come for a variety of roles including Fish Farm Technicians.

This introductory NPA course at SCQF 4 will develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed for work in the aquaculture industry. If you have an interest in outdoor work and enjoy learning in a hands-on setting, then this course will introduce to the fundamentals required to work in the ever expanding aquaculture sub sector.



  • SCQF 4


  • 1 Year



  • Stornoway campus


  • Face-to-face
    • Tuesday 0900 - 1025
    • Wednesday 1400 - 1535

Course content...

Areas for study may include:

•    An Introduction to Northern European Aquaculture
•    An Local Investigation (Environmental Analysis)
•    An Introduction to Finfish (this will include dissection of fish)
•    An Introduction to Shellfish
•    Basic Aquaculture Seamanship
•    Introduction to Scottish Fisheries

Each student will have the opportunity to complete a rope work course and a RYA powerboat course but skills required to work in the aquaculture.This course is not just about feeding fish it will involve an Introduction into environmental science and basic seamanship skills.

What next...

This course will provide you with a progression route from school through college to work based learning and modern apprenticeships. You will have the basic knowledge and skills required to enter the Aquaculture sector but with the addition of a small insight into fish anatomy and a taste of environmental science and environmental monitoring.

You may also want to consider progressing to the SVQ 2 in Aquaculture and relevant locally devised courses at SCQF levels 4–6.


Entry requirements...

There are no formal entry requirements for this course.