Staff and Students recognised at Graduation for Regional Student Association Awards

The Highland and Islands Students’ Association (HISA) recently published its awards for staff and students across the partnership of the University of the Highlands and Islands. The HISA Awards allow students to nominate staff and students in various different categories, with entries judged by a panel consisting of staff, students, and student officers from across the university partnership.

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Shaun Escott

There were 80 nominations for staff and students at UHI North, West and Hebrides– of these 10 staff and 1 student were highly commended and one member of staff was overall winner of his individual category. Shaun Escott, Course Leader in Maritime Skills will receive his award for “Above and Beyond” at one of the college’s annual graduation ceremonies on Wednesday September 18th at the Nevis Centre in Fort William

Shaun is usually to be found in Mallaig, though he lives and works part of the time in our Portree campus.  He delivers the Maritime and Aquaculture Skills course and the Shipping and Maritime Operations course.

Speaking about his award, Shaun said:

I’d like to thank the students at UHI North, West and Hebrides and HISA for this award. I feel very humbled to receive it as it came as a complete surprise.

It's really shows that what we do down here in Mallaig makes a difference.  The whole team; myself, my colleague Tommy Dunn and the centre engagement lead here, Jane Henderson, work with students from 16 to 60 and all of us focus on making sure they have a great experience and successful outcomes that will set them up for future careers.”

Lydia Rohmer, Principal and Chief Executive of UHI North, West and Hebrides said:

My warmest congratulations go to Shaun on such a meaningful award and indeed one which he has won for the third year running.  There is no greater commendation for a lecturer than the admiration and appreciate of their students and to have achieved this three times is very special indeed.

I am always extremely delighted that our students recognise the excellent support provided by our colleagues and engaged in large numbers to support nominations in many of the available categories.

The comments supporting the nominations have been extremely moving, with many students describing the incredible support they received over the whole year which inspired and motivated them, helped them build confidence to remain engaged in their learning, complete their course and start new things, which provided a ‘ray of sunshine and laughter’ for many and an ‘important lifeline’ for some.  All nominations commented on the help available not just during timetabled sessions, but over and above course hours and I am very proud of all of the staff who so diligently care for our students.”

Awards Context/Background Information

An integral aspect of the university calendar, the HISA Awards give recognition to staff and students who dedicate their time to making the institution more diverse and inclusive for all.

Further detail:

  • Shaun Escott, Lecturer, Maritime Skills – Winner of the category ‘Above and Beyond’ for the third year runningOne of Shaun’s student said: “He never gives up on anybody. He will hate me for saying this, Shaun never expects thanks for what he does, all he ever says is “I just want to see you achieve, that’s why I do what I do.” Another said: “Now coming to the end of my second course at Mallaig, it's clear to me that the staff at this college never settle for the bare minimum. They are always willing to go above and beyond to help every student, not only with their coursework but seemingly with whatever they are able to help with. Between them, they have created an excellent environment for learning wherein students feel comfortable and supported.
  • Alex Patience - Educational Support Worker, Professional Services, Highly Commended in the category ‘Best Support Staff’.  One of our students commented: “ I started my course feeling wracked with imposter syndrome, self-doubt, zero self-confidence and genuine fear of what was to come throughout the modules with presentations etc, but Alex was there every step to provide support and encouragement and I am most grateful to her for that.”
  • Anna McPherson – Lecturer, Contemporary Film, Highly Commended in the category ‘Best Personal Academic/Learning Support’.  One of Anna’s students commented: “It’s a lot to expect someone to empathise with you when there are so many students with so many different issues all needing time and understanding, but she has been really understanding, supportive, helpful, and accommodating. There have been times I've almost thrown in the towel and walked away from my course, but having someone who 'has your back' in adversity has made all the difference.”
  • Anna Wendy Stevenson – Programme Leader, Applied Music, Highly Commended in the category ‘Above and Beyond’, also nominated in the “Most Inspiring Lecturer’ category-  One of Anna Wendy’s students commented: “Anna-Wendy consistently makes huge efforts to make everyone on the course feel seen and supported on a personal level. She really enjoys conversations with anyone about anything and connects to us genuinely, she considers everyone's individual circumstances and gives us all so much attention and care despite having tens of students to keep track of and organise assessment and tutors for.”
  • Hazel Stewart, Educational Support Worker and Lecturer was Highly Commended in the category “Most inspiring lecturer’- one of Hazel’s students commented: “I would like to nominate Hazel because she is the most inspirational lecturer, and she manages to push you to do your best work even when you feel like you can’t.”
  • Heidi Schingler - Lecturer and Researcher, School of Adventure Studies, Highly Commended in the category “Best Personal Academic/Learning Support” and also nominated in the “Most Inspiring Lecturer’ category - one of Heidi’s students commented: “She is always there to support me and make sure I'm getting the most out of my degree. I honestly would not have gotten through the last couple of years without her support and for that, I'm so very very grateful.”
  • Janek Mamino Lecturer, School of Adventure Studies – Highly Commended in the category  - one of Janek’s students commented: “Janek is such a passionate lecturer. He finds new and engaging ways to keep learning exciting. He goes above and beyond to ensure the students' welfare. While the stress of uni ramps up each year, it can be hard not to become overwhelmed and unable to stay focused. Janek understands this well and makes time outside of class and in class to check in with students. Out with the lectures, he's constantly sharing job opportunities, engaging in what his student's career paths may be and sharing pathways to achievement.“
  • Kara Smith - Lecturer in Education, Highly Commended in the category “Best Research or Dissertation Supervisor” – one of Kara’s students said: “I had contacted Kara via email to explain I was not continuing with my dissertation due to work pressure and a loss in focus. Within 15 minutes I was on a Teams call explaining this. Kara turned my chat around from what I would have done and helped me break it down into smaller chunks, encouraging me that there was plenty of time, that this was a really interesting area of focus that really needed to be written about and instilled some self-belief that, yes I could do it.” 
  • Katheryn Johnston - Lecturer, Health and Social Care, Highly Commended in the category “Most Inspiring Lecturer” and nominated in the Above and Beyond category.  One of Katheryn’s students said: “I would like to nominate Kath because she is the most understanding and caring lecturer I have ever come across. She listens to the problems that I have and makes me understand my feelings more than I have ever before. She has made me feel smart and important in times where I have not which has made me believe in myself.”
  • Kirstie Gunn - Programme Leader for Creative Writing. Highly Commended in the category “Most Engaging Online Lecturer – one of Kirstie’s students said: “Kirstie was an incredibly enthusiastic lecturer, and she was incredibly kind in her feedback and motivating. She made lectures incredibly fun and interesting and they were never boring. Her feedback was also very useful, and when it came to assessments, she was always quick to reply to any questions you had.”
  • Susan MacVicar - Highly Commended in the category “Best Support Staff” - one of Susan’s students said: “Susan checked up on me when I had been absent due to personal reasons, helping me get my assessments done and her overall kindness and support is amazing.”

We were also delighted that some of our students and their social clubs were highlighted in the Awards:

  • Erin MacLeod - Highly Commended in the category ‘Most Inspiring Student – the Students’ Choice’ category.  One of Erin’s fellow students commented “She is always willing to help anyone, she is an inspiration to many and I think she should be recognised for her resilience and determination to succeed.”
  • Jennifer Teague - Highly Commended in the category ‘Above and Beyond’ – one of Jennifer’s fellow students said - “Even outside of college hours she is my exhibition buddy!  She'll often pick me up to go to art exhibitions which are relevant to our course.  Everyone says how incredibly helpful and kind she is to all on the course.  I really think she deserves a nomination to show how much she is appreciated.
  • Edward Yeardsley -UHI Snow Sports Club achieved the Overall Category Winner in the HISA Sporting Club of the Year.  Edward’s nomination explained: “This year we lose one of the longest-standing committee members who have held the club together during some very difficult years surrounding Covid.  It would be good to recognise their efforts during their time at university before graduating.”