Pathways for Learning SCQF 4 (Stornoway) NQ

What is special about this course?

This course is designed to introduce learners to Further Education through developing their confidence and skills enabling them to progress to further study, training, volunteering or employment.

Entry requirements

Candidates undertaking a level 4 NQ should possess Core Skills at SCQF level 3 on entry to the programme. Adult returners will have prior experience taken into consideration. Also based on a satisfactory interview and an ability to work at National 4 level.

Full-time students will be expected to complete one NPA pathway and three other college-devised pathways. Part-time students will be expected to complete one SQA NPA pathway and another college-devised pathway as part of their award. fThe choice of pathways is as follows:

  • Activity Tourism
  • Photography
  • Horticulture
  • Bakery
  • Creative Industries

Full-time students will be expected to complete 2 additional units and part-time students will be expected to complete one additional unit as part of their award. 

  • PC Passport (depending on choice)
  • Beauty Skills 
  • Budgeting Skills 

In addition, there are options to undertake the following National qualifications:

National 4

  • Maths
  • English

National 5

  • Maths
  • English 

How will I study my course?

  • Full Time
  • Part Time

How long will my course last?

1 year full time/2 years part time

Where can I study my course?

    • Stornoway

Start date



Find out more about fees, fee waivers and funding options.

What can I do on completion of my course?

You can progress on to other college Level 4 or 5 courses, for example, Horticulture or Cookery.

This course offers an excellent starting point for careers in/work in
- In recent years, our graduates have been appointed...note industry links and partnerships)
- Students may progress to further study or other appropriate training options, employment or a volunteering opportunity

Is there more information available online?

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Apply for Pathways for Learning SCQF 4 (Stornoway) NQ

I want to start in 2025/26

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