Ulpan SCQF 3 (Online Virtual Classroom) Certificate

What is special about this course?

UHI North, West and Hebrides in partnership with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and Bòrd na Gàidhlig offers the opportunity to learn Gaelic using the ÙLPAN method of learning. This exciting development, based on the system used in Wales, offers a method of learning which is designed to bring learners to fluency. With ÙLPAN, speaking comes first with reading and writing following later. 

Dè tha sònraichte mun chùrsa seo?

UHI Innse Gall ann an com-pàirteachas le Comhairle nan Eilean Siar agus Bòrd na Gàidhlig a' tabhann an cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh a' cleachdadh an siostam ÙLPAN.  'S e dòigh luath agus èifeachdach a th' ann.  Rinneadh i freagarrach don Chuimris còrr is ceathrad bliadhna air ais agus a-nis tha na mìltean fileanta air thaobh Ùlpan.  Bidh Ùlpan a' cuimseachadh air còmhradh gu sònraichte ach ga dhaingneachadh le sgilean lèirsinn.  Thig comas tro ath-aithris agus tro bhruidhinn 's thuigsinn.

Entry requirements

  • No formal entry requirements

How will I study my course?

  • Part Time
  • Evening
  • Flexible
  • Short course
  • Leisure

This series of classes will cover two units per week with each unit taking 1.5hrs.  All students will have the opportunity to work towards SQA accreditation.

How long will my course last?

12 Weeks

Mondays and Wednesdays 9.30am - 11am

Where can I study my course?

    • Study from anywhere including your local campus or centre

Start date

3rd February 2025



Fee waivers are available for Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and NHS Western Isles staff and parents and carers of children in Gaelic Medium Education.

What can I do on completion of my course?

Gaelic Development
SQA Accreditation

Is there more information available online?

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Apply for Ulpan SCQF 3 (Online Virtual Classroom) Certificate

We are delighted that you are thinking about studying at UHI North, West and Hebrides. UHI North, West and Hebrides operates a fair and open admissions system committed to equality of opportunity and non-discrimination. We consider all applications on merit and on the basis of ability to achieve, without discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity status, race, religion and/or belief, sex, sexual orientation or socio-economic background. We welcome applications from all prospective students and aim to provide appropriate and efficient services to students with disabilities.

Contact stornoway.nwh@uhi.ac.uk for more information or to apply