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- Access to Higher Education SCQF 5 (Online Virtual Classroom)NQPTFT
- Access to Higher Education SCQF 6 (Online Virtual Classroom)NQPTFT
- Access to Merchant Navy Cadetship SCQF 5 (Stornoway)NQPTFT
- Access to Nursing SCQF 6 (Online Virtual Classroom)AccessPTFT
- Access to Skills and Learning SCQF 1/2 (Fort William, Portree and Ullapool)AccessPTFT
- Accounting and FinanceBA (Hons)PTFT
- Adventure Education and Outdoor LearningBA (Hons)PTFT
- Adventure Performance and CoachingBSc (Hons)PTFT
- Adventure Tourism ManagementBA (Hons)PTFT
- ALPHA Encouraging Independence SCQF 2 - 4 (Stornoway)AccessPTFT
- An Cùrsa ComaisCertHEPTFT
- An Cùrsa Comais (English)CertHEPTFT
- Applied MusicBA (Hons)PTFT
- Applied Software DevelopmentBSc (Hons)PTFT
- Aquaculture Marine and Maritime Skills SCQF 5 (Mallaig)NQPTFT
- Aquaculture SCQF 4 (Work-based)NPAPTFT
- Aquaculture SCQF 5 (Work-based)SVQPTFT
- Aquaculture SCQF 7Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Archaeological ScienceBSc (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeological StudiesMLittPTFT
- ArchaeologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeology and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeology and LiteratureBA (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeology and Local Studies (SCQF Level 7)CPD AwardPTFT
- Archaeology and SociologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeology and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeology with Gaelic StudiesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Àrd-sgoil (tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig)PGDEPTFT
- Art and Design SCQF 6 (North Uist and Portree)NCPTFT
- Art and Design with Textiles (Creative Industries) SCQF 6 (Fort William)NQPTFT
- Art and Design: Figure and Life Drawing and Printmaking (Creative Industries) SCQF 6 (North Uist, Taigh Chearsabhagh) PTFT
- Art Design and Textiles (Creative Industries) SCQF 6 (Fort William)NCPTFT
- Bakery SCQF 4 (Fort William, Stornoway)NPAPTFT
- Basic Welding Skills SCQF 5 (Stornoway)CertificatePTFT
- Beauty Care and Make-up SCQF 5 (Fort William)NCPTFT
- Beauty Care SCQF 6 (Fort William)NCPTFT
- Beauty Therapy SCQF 5 (Thurso)SVQPTFT
- Beauty Therapy SCQF 6 (Thurso)SVQPTFT
- BioscienceBSc (Hons)PTFT
- Bun-sgoil (tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig)PGDEPTFT
- BusinessHNCPTFT
- Business Administration (Aviation)MBAPTFT
- Business Administration (Environment)MBAPTFT
- Business Administration (Executive)MBAPTFT
- Business Administration (Renewable Energy)MBAPTFT
- Business Administration (Resilience)MBAPTFT
- Business and Administration SCQF 5 (Work-based)SVQPTFT
- Business and Administration SCQF 6Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Business and Administration SCQF 6 (Work-based)SVQPTFT
- Business and ManagementBA (Hons)PTFT
- Business Management (Graduate Apprenticeship)BA (Hons)PTFT
- Business Management SCQF 5 (Online Virtual Classroom)National 5PTFT
- Business Management SCQF 6 (Online Virtual Classroom)HigherPTFT
- Carpentry and Joinery SCQF 6 (Stornoway and Thurso)Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Carpentry and Joinery SCQF 6 (Thurso)PDAPTFT
- CECA Civil Engineering Operative (NPA Construction Operations) SCQF 5 (Fort William)NPAPTFT
- Chartered Management Institute Management and Leadership (SCQF level 8)CMI Extended DiplomaPTFT
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health (SCQF level 10)CPD AwardPTFT
- Child and Youth StudiesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Child and Youth Studies with Community Learning and DevelopmentBA (Hons)PTFT
- Child Health and Social Care SCQF 5 (Online Virtual Classroom)NCPTFT
- Childhood PracticeBA (Hons)PTFT
- Childhood PracticeHNCPTFT
- Childhood Practice (SCQF level 9)CPD AwardPTFT
- Childhood Practice SCQF 6 (Online Virtual Classroom)NCPTFT
- Climate Emergency Fundamentals (SCQF level 9)CPD AwardPTFT
- Community DevelopmentCPD AwardPTFT
- Competition Horse CarePDAPTFT
- Computer ScienceHNDPTFT
- ComputingBSc (Hons)PTFT
- ComputingHNCPTFT
- Computing Science SCQF 5 (Online Virtual Classroom)National 5PTFT
- Computing Science SCQF 6 (Online Virtual Classroom)HigherPTFT
- Computing with Digital Media SCQF 5 (Online Virtual Classroom)NCPTFT
- Conduct the Assessment ProcessPDAPTFT
- Conduct the Internal Verification ProcessPDAPTFT
- Construction and Engineering (ACE) SCQF 4/5 (Thurso)AccessPTFT
- Construction ManagementHNCPTFT
- Construction Skills SCQF 5 (Fort William and Portree)NPAPTFT
- Construction Skills SCQF 5 (Thurso)NPAPTFT
- Contemporary Art PracticeHNCPTFT
- Contemporary Art PracticeHNDPTFT
- Contemporary Film Making in the Highlands and IslandsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Countryside Skills with Ranger Training SCQF 5 (Fort William)NQPTFT
- Creative Industries: Fashion SCQF 6 (Stornoway)NCPTFT
- Creative Industries: Music or Dj'ing with Sound Production SCQF 6 (Fort William)NCPTFT
- Creative Writing in the Highlands and IslandsBA (Hons)PTFT
- CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Criminology and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture and HeritageBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and ArchaeologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and HistoryBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and LiteratureBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and SociologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage with Gaelic StudiesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Cyber Security SCQF 5 (Online Virtual Classroom)NPAPTFT
- Cyber Security SCQF 6 (Online Virtual Classroom)NPAPTFT
- Developing a Community Energy Project (SCQF level 11)CPD AwardPTFT
- Digital Design and Web DevelopmentHNCPTFT
- Digital Health and Social Care (SCQF level 11)CPD AwardPTFT
- Digital PedagogyMEdPTFT
- Drawing Skills (Creative Industries) SCQF 5 (Portree)NPAPTFT
- Early Learning and Childcare (Graduate Apprenticeship)BAPTFT
- Early Learning and Childcare (top up one-year honours)BA (Hons)PTFT
- Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation (Stornoway)City and GuildsPTFT
- Electrical and Electronic EngineeringBEng (Hons)PTFT
- Electrical and Mechanical EngineeringBEng (Hons)PTFT
- Electrical EngineeringMScPTFT
- Electrical Installation SCQF 7 (Thurso and Stornoway)Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Electrical/Instrumentation and NC Engineering Systems SCQF 5/6 (Thurso)SVQPTFT
- Emergency First Aid at Work (1-day) PTFT
- Energy EngineeringBEng (Hons)PTFT
- Energy Modelling for Buildings (SCQF level 11)CPD AwardPTFT
- Energy, Climate and Carbon (SCQF Level 11)CPD AwardPTFT
- Engineering (General)MScPTFT
- Engineering Practice and NC Engineering Systems SCQF 5 (Thurso)SVQPTFT
- Engineering SCQF 7Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Engineering SystemsHNCPTFT
- Engineering SystemsHNDPTFT
- Engineering Systems (Electrical, Mechanical, Fab/Welding) SCQF 5 (Stornoway)NCPTFT
- Engineering Systems SCQF 6 (Stornoway)NCPTFT
- English SCQF 5 (Online Virtual Classroom)National 5PTFT
- English SCQF 6 (Online Virtual Classroom)HigherPTFT
- Environmental Science SCQF 5 (Online Virtual Classroom)National 5PTFT
- Environmental Science SCQF 6 (Online Virtual Classroom)HigherPTFT
- Equine Breeding (SCQF level 7)PDAPTFT
- Equine Business ManagementBA (Hons)PTFT
- Equine Leadership and ManagementPgCertPTFT
- Equine StudiesHNCPTFT
- Extreme WeatherMScPTFT
- FAA Award in Food Safety in Catering SCQF 5 PTFT
- Fabrication and Welding (SVQ & NC) SCQF 5 (Nigg Skills Academy)SVQPTFT
- Fabrication and Welding (SVQ & NC) SCQF 5 (Thurso)SVQPTFT
- Fine ArtBA (Hons)PTFT
- First Aid at Work (3-day or 2-day refresher) PTFT
- Forest Kindergarten (SCQF level 7)CPD AwardPTFT
- GaelicBA (Hons)PTFT
- Gaelic and CommunicationCertHEPTFT
- Gaelic and EducationBA (Hons)PTFT
- Gaelic and Related StudiesDipHEPTFT
- Gaelic Conversation SCQF 4 (Barra, Online Virtual Classroom)College CertificatePTFT
- Gaelic for Work Purposes SCQF 3 (Online Virtual Classroom)College CertificatePTFT
- Gaelic for Work Purposes SCQF 4 (Online Virtual Classroom)College CertificatePTFT
- Gaelic with DevelopmentBA (Hons)PTFT
- Gàidhlig agus ConaltradhCertHEPTFT
- Gàidhlig agus Cuspairean Co-cheangailteDipHEPTFT
- Gàidhlig agus FoghlamBA (le Urram)PTFT
- Gamekeeping SCQF 5NCPTFT
- GeographyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Geography and ArchaeologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Geography and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Geography and HistoryBA (Hons)PTFT
- Geography and PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Geography, Culture and HeritageBA (Hons)PTFT
- Golf ManagementBA (Hons)PTFT
- Green Engineers for the Future (Thurso) PTFT
- Growing Roots: Creating Sustainable Adventure Experiences with Trees (Online Virtual Classroom) PTFT
- Hair and Beauty SCQF 4 (Stornoway)NQPTFT
- Hairdressing SCQF 5Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Hairdressing SCQF 5 (Stornoway)NCPTFT
- Hairdressing SCQF 5 (Stornoway)NQPTFT
- Hairdressing SCQF 5 (Thurso)SVQPTFT
- Hairdressing SCQF 6Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Hairdressing SCQF 6 (Thurso)SVQPTFT
- Health and Social Care SCQF 6NQPTFT
- Health and Social Care SupervisionPDAPTFT
- Health and Social Care: Administration of MedicationPDAPTFT
- Health and Social StudiesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Hebridean Gardeners SCQF 4 (Benbecula)SVQPTFT
- Highlands and Islands LiteratureMLittPTFT
- HistoryBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and ArchaeologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and LiteratureBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and SociologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- History with Gaelic StudiesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Home to the Hebrides SCQF 5 (Online Virtual Classroom)College CertificatePTFT
- Horse Care Flexible Study Programme SCQF 4 - 6 (Multiple locations)NCPTFT
- HorticultureHNCPTFT
- Hospitality Services (Highland Hospitality Training) SCQF 5 (Dornoch and Thurso)SVQPTFT
- Hospitality Services SCQF 5Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Hospitality Supervision and Leadership SCQF 7Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Human Biology SCQF 6 (Online Virtual Classroom)HigherPTFT
- Hydrogen: an Introduction for Technicians (SCQF level 7)PDAPTFT
- Interactive MediaBSc (Hons)PTFT
- Internal Verification of Workplace AssessmentPDAPTFT
- Introduction to a Career in Social Care SCQF 5 (Online Self-directed)College CertificatePTFT
- Introduction to Construction and Engineering SCQF 4 (Stornoway)NQPTFT
- Introduction to Etching PTFT
- Introduction to Hair & Beauty SCQF 4/5 (Thurso)CertificatePTFT
- Introduction to Horticulture SCQF 5 (Broadford) PTFT
- Introduction to Jewellery Making SCQF 4 PTFT
- Introduction to Peatlands Restoration SCQF 5 PTFT
- Introduction to Sewing SCQF 5 (Fort William)NQPTFT
- Island StudiesMLittPTFT
- JewelleryHNCPTFT
- Jewellery SCQF 6 (Stornoway)NCPTFT
- Jewellery: Basic Techniques 2 SCQF 5 (Stornoway)NPAPTFT
- Language DevelopmentCPD AwardPTFT
- Leading and Managing Care Services (SCQF level 9)CPD AwardPTFT
- Leasachadh CànainDuais LDLPTFT
- Leasachadh CoimhearsnachdDuais LDLPTFT
- Level 1 Spreadsheet Software SCQF 4College CertificatePTFT
- Life and Work Skills Programme SCQF 1 - 3 (Thurso)AccessPTFT
- LiteratureBA (Hons)PTFT
- Literature and Creative WritingBA (Hons)PTFT
- Literature and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Literature and PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Literature and SociologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Literature and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Management in GolfPgCertPTFT
- Marine and Coastal TourismBA (Hons)PTFT
- Maths SCQF 4 (Online Virtual Classroom)National 4PTFT
- Maths SCQF 5 (Online Virtual Classroom)National 5PTFT
- Maths SCQF 6 (Online Virtual Classroom)HigherPTFT
- Mechanical EngineeringBEng (Hons)PTFT
- Mechanical EngineeringMScPTFT
- Mechanical Production and NC Engineering Systems SCQF 5/6 (Thurso)SVQPTFT
- Music and the EnvironmentMAPTFT
- Music SCQF 5 (Alness)NCPTFT
- Music SCQF 6 (Alness)NCPTFT
- Music: Getting Gig Ready SCQF 6 (Online Virtual Classroom)NQPTFT
- Net Zero CommunitiesMScPTFT
- Net Zero Society (SCQF level 11)CPD AwardPTFT
- NursingBScPTFT
- Oral Health ScienceBScPTFT
- Outdoor Adventure SCQF 5 (Broadford)NQPTFT
- Outdoor and Adventure Therapeutic PracticePgCertPTFT
- Outdoor Leadership SCQF 6 (Fort William)NQPTFT
- Painting (Creative Industries) SCQF 5 (Auchtertyre and Fort William)NPAPTFT
- Pathway to Health Education and Social Care SCQF 4 (Alness and Thurso)AccessPTFT
- Pathways for Learning SCQF 4 (Stornoway)NQPTFT
- Pathways to College and Employment SCQF 4 (Alness and Thurso)AccessPTFT
- PC Passport SCQF 5 (Online Self-directed)CertificatePTFT
- PhilosophyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy and HistoryBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy and LiteratureBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy and PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy and SociologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy, Politics and EconomicsBA (Hons)PTFT
- PhotographyHNCPTFT
- Photography SCQF 6 (Fort William and Portree)HigherPTFT
- Physics SCQF 5 (Online Virtual Classroom)National 5PTFT
- Physics SCQF 6 (Online Virtual Classroom)HigherPTFT
- PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Politics and ArchaeologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Politics and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Politics and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) Level 6 (Stornoway) PTFT
- Primary (English Medium)PGDEPTFT
- Primary (Gaelic Medium)PGDEPTFT
- Professional CookeryHNCPTFT
- Professional Cookery (SCQF level 7)PDAPTFT
- Professional Cookery SCQF 4 (Dornoch, Fort William, Stornoway and Thurso)SVQPTFT
- Professional Cookery SCQF 5 (Dornoch, Fort William, Thurso and Stornoway)SVQPTFT
- Professional Cookery SCQF 5 (Work-based)Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Professional Cookery SCQF 6 (Dornoch, Fort William, Stornoway and Thurso)SVQPTFT
- Professional Cookery SCQF 6 (Work-based)SVQPTFT
- Professional GolfBA (Hons)PTFT
- Professional Golf PGADipHEPTFT
- PsychologyBSc (Hons)PTFT
- Psychology SCQF 5 (Online Virtual Classroom)National 5PTFT
- Psychology SCQF 6 (Online Virtual Classroom)HigherPTFT
- REHIS Intermediate Food HygieneSCQF Level 7PTFT
- Renewable Energy SystemsPDAPTFT
- Renewable Energy Technologies (SCQF level 11)CPD AwardPTFT
- Research MethodsPgCertPTFT
- Rural Community Development (SCQF level 9)CPD AwardPTFT
- Scottish HeritageMLittPTFT
- Scottish Place Names SCQF 5 (Online Self-directed) PTFT
- Sculpture: An Introduction SCQF 6 (Portree)NQPTFT
- Secondary (English Medium)PGDEPTFT
- Secondary (Gaelic Medium)PGDEPTFT
- Sgilean Canain/Gaelic for Fluent Speakers (Online Virtual Classroom)College CertificatePTFT
- Shipping and Maritime Operations SCQF 6 (Mallaig)NCPTFT
- Social SciencesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Social SciencesHNCPTFT
- Social ServicesHNCPTFT
- Social Services (Children and Young People) (SCQF level 9)SVQPTFT
- Social Services and Healthcare (SCQF level 9)SVQPTFT
- Social Services and Healthcare SCQF 6SVQPTFT
- Social Services and Healthcare SCQF 7 (Modern Apprenticeship)Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Social Services and Healthcare SCQF 7 (Work-based)SVQPTFT
- Social Services Children and Young People SCQF 6SVQPTFT
- Social Services Children and Young People SCQF 7SVQPTFT
- Social Services Children and Young People SCQF 7 (Modern Apprenticeship)Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Sociology and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Sociology and PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Sociology and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Sociology SCQF 6 (Online Virtual Classroom)HigherPTFT
- Sound ProductionHNCPTFT
- Sound Production SCQF 6 (Alness)NCPTFT
- Speak Gaelic (Benbecula, Harris, Stornoway)College CertificatePTFT
- Sports ManagementBA (Hons)PTFT
- Supernatural Folklore SCQF 5 (Online Virtual Classroom)College CertificatePTFT
- Sustainability and Rural RegenerationMScPTFT
- Sustainability and the Environment SCQF 5 (Online Self-directed)College CertificatePTFT
- Sustainable DevelopmentBA (Hons)PTFT
- Sustainable Development (SCQF level 7)CPD AwardPTFT
- Sustainable Development and ArchaeologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Sustainable Development and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Sustainable Development and HistoryBA (Hons)PTFT
- Sustainable Development and LiteratureBA (Hons)PTFT
- Sustainable Development and PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Sustainable Development with Gaelic StudiesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Sustainable Development, Culture and HeritageBA (Hons)PTFT
- Sustainable Energy SolutionsMScPTFT
- Sustainable Resource Management (SCQF level 9)CPD AwardPTFT
- SWAP Access to Allied Health Professions SCQF 6 (Online Virtual Classroom) PTFT
- SWAP Access to Nursing SCQF 6 (Online Virtual Classroom)NQPTFT
- Teaching in Colleges Today (SCQF level 7)CPD AwardPTFT
- Teaching in Colleges Today (SCQF level 8)CPD AwardPTFT
- Teaching Qualification Further EducationPgCertPTFT
- Teaching Qualification Further Education (SCQF level 9)CPD AwardPTFT
- Tertiary and Higher EducationMEdPTFT
- Theological StudiesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Tidal, Wave and Future Energy (SCQF level 11)CPD AwardPTFT
- Treanadh Oidean/Gaelic Tutor Training SCQF 6 (Online Virtual Classroom)College CertificatePTFT
- Ulpan SCQF 3 (Online Virtual Classroom)CertificatePTFT
- Understanding and Supporting Individuals with Dyslexia (SCQF level 7)PDAPTFT
- Veterinary Care Assistant Level 2 Diploma SCQF 5City and GuildsPTFT
- Veterinary Nursing (Small Animal) Level 3 Work-based Diploma SCQF 7 PTFT
- Veterinary Nursing (Small Animal) Level 3 Work-based Diploma SCQF 7Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Viking StudiesMLittPTFT
- Wildlife and Conservation ManagementHNCPTFT
- Wildlife and Conservation ManagementHNDPTFT
- Workplace Assessment Using Direct and Indirect MethodsPDAPTFT
- Youth Work SCQF 5 (Alness and Thurso)SVQPTFT