Employer FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions for Employers
Employing an apprentice is an excellent way to build and develop your company’s workforce. With skills shortages in many key areas, apprenticeships allow you to train individuals with the specific academic and vocational skills your business needs. We will work with you to ensure the apprenticeship programme aligns with your business requirements.
If you have any questions or need more information at any stage, feel free to contact us at workbasedlearning.nwh@uhi.ac.uk
What is a Modern Apprenticeship?
What is a Modern Apprenticeship?
Modern Apprenticeships (MA) help employers develop their workforce by training new staff and upskilling existing employees. Apprentices work while earning a qualification relevant to your industry, bringing fresh talent and skills to your business.
We support both employers and apprentices throughout the process, from funding to training delivery, ensuring apprentices achieve their qualification.
Who pays for the training?
Who pays for the training?
Skills Development Scotland provides funding to cover some or all of the costs of training and assessing Modern Apprentices. The level of funding depends on:
• The apprentice’s age
• The qualification level
• The apprenticeship sector
Additional funding is available for apprentices who are disabled or care-experienced, up to and including age 29.
Our Work-based Learning team can advise on funding eligibility and support options.
Who pays the Modern Apprentice's salary?
Who pays the Modern Apprentice's salary?
Apprentices are your employees, so you are responsible for their wages. Salaries should be competitive to attract the best candidates. At minimum, you must pay the National Minimum Wage.
Who pays for the Modern Apprentice's equipment?
Who pays for the Modern Apprentice's equipment?
You must provide all the necessary tools and equipment your apprentice needs to perform their job.
What is an apprenticeship framework?
What is an apprenticeship framework?
We work closely with Skills Development Scotland and a variety of sector skills councils to offer a range of modern apprenticeship frameworks in a range of disciplines.
A framework outlines the skills, knowledge, and qualifications an apprentice will gain throughout their training. Frameworks typically include:
- The expected duration of the apprenticeship
- A relevant industry qualification
- Industry-specific training
- Core skills development (Essential workplace abilities, such as communication, numeracy, and problem-solving. If you’ve already achieved these through school, college, or previous training, you may not need to repeat them as part of your apprenticeship.)
When do apprentices attend college?
When do apprentices attend college?
College attendance varies depending on the apprenticeship framework. Some apprentices may attend college on a block-release or day-release basis. In some cases, apprentices are assessed entirely in the workplace, with an assessor visiting to review progress and complete assessments. The specific arrangement for your apprentice will be discussed during enrolment to ensure it aligns with their job role and training requirements.
I've recruited an apprentice, how do I register them for college?
I've recruited an apprentice, how do I register them for college?
Your apprentice must complete an online application via the relevant Modern Apprenticeship course page.
If you require assistance with the online application, please contact our admissions team on 01847 889000 or info.nwh@uhi.ac.uk
What employers say

Andrew Mackay, The Caithness Collection
"We have been collaborating with UHI North, West and Hebrides for several years. We are so lucky that due to this partnership, we can continue to offer a fulfilling and meaningful apprenticeship alongside quality on-the-job training within The Caithness Collection. Through this partnership, our team has gone from strength to strength in achieving their ambitions in Hospitality and beyond. One of our initial priorities when setting up The Caithness Collection was to facilitate worthwhile careers in hospitality and to provide a learning platform showcasing Hospitality as a career of choice without having to leave the beauty of Caithness."
John Campbell, JGC Engineering & Technical Services Ltd
“JGC are pleased to be working in partnership with UHI North, West and Hebrides in recruiting our apprentices from the Performing Engineering Courses each year. This has worked well and provided JGC with a high standard of apprentices, allowing us to grow talent and the business through a motivated and skilled workforce.”

Alison Huggins, Riverside House Care Home
“Modern Apprenticeships benefits our staff as they are able to work while gaining a qualification which enhances them in their role. As we are a stand-alone company it can be expensive to put staff through their necessary qualifications, thus we can only put a few forward at a time. The Modern Apprenticeship scheme allows us to have more of our staff gaining qualifications at one time as it is of no extra cost to us.”