Apprentice FAQs


Frequently Asked Questions for Apprentices

If you have any questions or need more information, you can contact us at

How do I apply for a Modern Apprenticeship? content

How do I apply for a Modern Apprenticeship?

How do I apply for a Modern Apprenticeship?

To start a Modern Apprenticeship (MA) in Scotland, you must already be in employment. If you’re working and interested in becoming an apprentice, talk to your employer about the available options.

If you're not currently employed, some businesses recruit apprentices directly - check My World of Work website or for current opportunities.

Am I eligible for an MA? content

Am I eligible for an MA?

Am I eligible for an MA?

Modern Apprenticeships are open to anyone aged 16 and over. Some roles may require qualifications, usually at least three National 4s, but this varies.

However, you won’t be eligible if you are:

  • In full-time education (school, college, or university)
  • An overseas national with work restrictions or a time limit on your stay in the UK (unless you’re a refugee or asylum seeker)
  • Already on a government-funded employment, training, or enterprise scheme
  • In custody as a prisoner or on remand
What will I get paid? content

What will I get paid?

What will I get paid?

There’s no set pay rate for Modern Apprentices, but you’re entitled to at least the National Minimum Wage for apprentices.

Find out more about pay and conditions at:

Is there an upper age limit? content

Is there an upper age limit?

Is there an upper age limit?

No, Modern Apprenticeships are open to anyone aged 16 and over. If you're over 25, your employer may need to cover the training costs, depending on the sector and apprenticeship framework.

What is expected of me as a Modern Apprentice? content

What is expected of me as a Modern Apprentice?

What is expected of me as a Modern Apprentice?

As an apprentice, you are expected to:

  • Complete all required training and assessments
  • Attend any necessary courses
  • Keep up-to-date records
  • Be reliable, punctual, and professional, just like any other employee
What happens to my Modern Apprenticeship if I leave my employer? content

What happens to my Modern Apprenticeship if I leave my employer?

What happens to my Modern Apprenticeship if I leave my employer?

If you switch employers, you may be able to continue your apprenticeship - this depends on your new employer and whether your role still aligns with your apprenticeship programme. Speak to your apprenticeship co-ordinator to discuss your options.

Will I need qualifications to get started? content

Will I need qualifications to get started?

Will I need qualifications to get started?

Not always. Check the entry requirements for the specific MA you’re interested in. Some employers may look for certain qualifications or work experience.

Since core skills are a part of all Modern Apprenticeships, you may need to provide a core skills profile during the application process.

If I travel to college every week can I claim my travel expenses? content

If I travel to college every week can I claim my travel expenses?

If I travel to college every week can I claim my travel expenses?

This depends on your location and apprenticeship framework. Travel costs may be covered but this will be discussed with you and your employer.

Will I get paid for the time I spend at college? content

Will I get paid for the time I spend at college?

Will I get paid for the time I spend at college?

Yes! As an apprentice, you’re an employee, and your college hours count as part of your working week. Your contract of employment will outline your hours and pay.
