Kinlochleven Planting


Our Kinlochleven planting celebrations took place in November 2021

Principal and Chief Executive Lydia Rohmer and Centre Manager Clare Slinger joined Kinlochleven Community Trust volunteers to plant a small grove of Scots Pine on community land. The volunteers work on a number of our projects including the composting site and garden. They also look after a small nursery of saplings so this was a great opportunity for them to learn about planting trees.

Lucy Cooke, Development Officer KCT: “The Kinlochleven Community Trust would like to thank UHI West Highland and Nevis Landscape Partnership for working with us and planting a small grove of native Scots Pine on our community land. Our volunteers welcomed the opportunity to get involved and learn about planting and tree protection. We hope to put the knowledge and experience to good use soon in the future when we do some of our own planting!”

Kinlochleven tree planting, Centre manager Clare SlingerKilchoan tree plantingKinlochleven tree plantingKinlochleven tree planting, Principal and Chief Executive Lydia RohmerKinlochleven tree planting ground