North Highland Local Advisory Committee


The North Highland Local Advisory Committee meets at least twice a year and includes representation from the Board of Management. All roles are voluntary.

Graham Birnie - Chair content

Graham Birnie - Chair

Graham Birnie - Chair

Graham was born and raised in Thurso. He attended Thurso High School before attending Thurso Technical College and completing an apprenticeship at Dounreay. After working at the Prototype Fast Reactor, he went on to work as a commissioning engineering with the South of Scotland Electricity Board and Shell UK, working as a platform engineer, offshore installation manager, and asset manager for the whole Brent oilfield, near Shetland, before ‘retiring’ 2000.

He went on to become Managing Director of Walker Technical Resources, an oil and gas company serving the North Sea, and owner of Nexus AB, another oil and gas company, which he sold in 2013.

Since then, he’s mentored SMEs throughout Caithness. He joined the Board of Management at UHI North Highland in 2013 and served on various committees, overseeing the £2 million extension of Burghfield House, Dornoch, before stepping back when UHI North, West and Hebrides formed. 

Graham is Chair of the North Highland Local Advisory Committee.

Graham Birnie

Beth Cameron content

Beth Cameron

Beth Cameron

Awaiting update

Heather McLean content

Heather McLean

Heather McLean

Heather was born and brought up in Thurso. She returned to Thurso High School serving as Principal Teacher of English and then as a Deputy Head Teacher. After she retired she was co-opted onto the Learning, Teaching and Research (LTR) committee of the Board of Management at UHI North Highland. Subsequently, she joined the Board and chaired the LTR committee for several years. 

She is an elder in Thurso West Church and a Past President of Thurso Rotary Club, where she is an active member. For a number of years, she has been a community representative on the NHS Highland Caithness and Sutherland Redesign Committee.  

Heather welcomes this opportunity to maintain her links with UHI North, West and Hebrides and help ensure it represents the local community. 

Heather McLean

Jim McGillivray content

Jim McGillivray

Jim McGillivray

Jim studied for an Honours Degree in Computing from the old Paisley College of Technology (now West of Scotland University) and subsequently spent a brief spell in Explosives Research with Nobels Explosives (ICI).  Jim was a Systems Analyst with Babcock Power at Renfrew for two years before moving into teaching.  Jim taught at Tain Royal Academy for nearly 3 decades, latterly as Principal Teacher of Computing.  He retired in 2007 and in the same year was elected as a Highland Councillor in the East Sutherland & Edderton Ward.  Jim has served continuously on the Council since that date having been re-elected at each of the three subsequent elections.   

Jim Mcgillivray

Jane MacIntosh content

Jane MacIntosh

Jane MacIntosh

As Curriculum Leader at UHI North, West and Hebrides, Jane oversees the management of a varied curriculum portfolio and leads a fantastic and enthusiastic group of staff.  Jane’s 24 plus years of educational expertise covers a breadth of knowledge and experience at both further and higher education level.  Jane has undertaken numerous opportunities to develop skills and has been awarded Senior Fellowship of Higher Education Academy.  Previously, Jane was awarded UHI Best Personal Academic Tutor, where she was nominated by students for her commitment and dedication to the role.   

Outside of work, Jane serves as Chair of Caithness Citizens Advice Bureau and is secretary of Halkirk Village Council. Both these roles allow opportunity for immense community and stakeholder engagement which opens new doors for collaborative working. 

Anna McInnes content

Anna McInnes

Anna McInnes

Originally from New England, Anna McInnes has lived in the Highlands since 2012 when she came across the pond to work as Systems Librarian for UHI. Anna now works for the UK Government as Area Lead for the Highlands & Islands and also serves on her local community council. A firm advocate for education, libraries, and community empowerment, Anna is keen to work with fellow local advisory committee members to contribute insight and strengthen community engagement. 

Anna McInnes

Peter Faccenda content

Peter Faccenda

Peter Faccenda

Peter has been the Focus North Programme Manager (formerly the Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership) since April 2019. 

A metallurgist with a BSc from Strathclyde University, Peter has 30 years of manufacturing management experience in metal-based SMEs, including at Managing Director and Director level. He subsequently was responsible for delivering the Manufacturing Advisory Service in Yorkshire and Humber and then business development for the National Skills Academy for Nuclear.

Peter has been employed by Highlands and Islands Enterprise for 7 years, working initially with the Inner Moray Firth area team taking over as the Head of Business Growth in 2018. Peter is now Programme Manager for Focus North, supporting the sustainable economic development of Caithness and North Sutherland. 

Peter Faccenda

Maureen Ross content

Maureen Ross

Maureen Ross

Maureen is a Highland Council councillor representing the Tain and Easter Ross ward. Caring about people and their quality of life is important to Maureen and her involvement in many community groups has given her a vast amount of experience in the voluntary third sector in all areas of life.  As a director of a social enterprise, Maureen has gained a wealth of useful networking with public agencies, funders and private businesses.  She said: "The challenges which lie ahead are going to be difficult and will be frustrating at times but finding solutions will be important."

Maureen Ross

Darren MacLeod content

Darren MacLeod

Darren MacLeod

Born in Caithness, Darren attended Thurso High School before moving to the central belt to train as a Medical Underwriter for Santander in both Edinburgh and Glasgow. Upon returning to Caithness, Darren turned his art and design hobby into a career when he gained employment with Scottish Provincial Press (SPP) as a Graphic Designer. Darren spent 10 years with SPP before joining UHI North Highland in 2016 as Graphic Designer and Marketing Assistant. Darren enjoys both performing and working at live music events.


Tom Pottinger content

Tom Pottinger

Tom Pottinger

This profile will be updated soon.


Board of Management members who sit on the North Highland Local Advisory Committee:

Derek Lewis, Chair of Board content

Derek Lewis, Chair of Board

Derek Lewis, Chair of Board

Derek Lewis’ career has included roles as chair, chief executive, director or trustee of organisations in fields such as education, training, television, prisons, healthcare, technology and social care. He has served as Pro-Chancellor and Treasurer of the University of Essex, a school governor, advisory board member of the London Business School and chair of companies providing apprenticeships, employment services and teaching staff.

He is currently chair of Community Alcohol Partnerships, an alcohol harm reduction charity, and retired last year as chair of Royal Mencap Society.  He runs his own farming, forestry and tourism business in Morvern, which is also home to the new Nc’nean Distillery, of which he is a founder director. His earlier career included CEO roles at Granada Group and HM Prison Service in Engand and Wales.

Before taking up the role of Chair of the Board, Derek was Chair of UHI West Highland Board of Management. He is also a member of the UHI Court.

Committee Membership - Finance and General Purposes, Human Resources, Remuneration, Nomination.

Derek Lewis, Chair Designate of UHI North, West and Hebrides

Lydia Rohmer, Principal content

Lydia Rohmer, Principal

Lydia Rohmer, Principal

Lydia Rohmer was appointed Principal of UHI North, West and Hebrides in November 2022.

Lydia, the former principal of UHI West Highland, is a talented executive leader with more than 25 years’ experience working in the Scottish education sector and a passionate advocate of our rural and island communities.

She has extensive experience of creating successful colleges through merger having joined UHI West Highland as Principal in February 2012, shortly after the merger of Lochaber College and Skye and Wester Ross College. Before that, she held the position of Curriculum Director at City of Glasgow College, a role she assumed following the merger of Glasgow’s city centre colleges.

Lydia has also held substantive roles within UHI, taking on the role of Vice-Principal (Tertiary) between 2017 and 2022, a position she undertook in addition to her duties as Principal of UHI West Highland. She currently leads on several sector-wide and tertiary education groups in Scotland including access, school-college partnerships, articulation and poverty, and is a current member of the Colleges Scotland Board.

Committee Membership - Finance and General Purposes, Learning, Teaching and Research, and Human Resources. Attends Remuneration and Audit and Risk Management by invitation.

Lydia Rohmer

Shona MacDougall, Independent Non-Executive Member content

Shona MacDougall, Independent Non-Executive Member

Shona MacDougall, Independent Non-Executive Member

Born in Paisley and brought up in Ayrshire, Shona attended Glasgow College of Food Technology, studying catering  and hotel-keeping. On leaving college, she was selected as a management trainee within the NHS management training scheme for Scotland. She worked in the field of facilities management within various hospitals, mainly within the Glasgow area. In 1989 she moved to Strathclyde Regional Council, working within the newly established direct services organisations, again in the field of facilities management.

Shona was later appointed as Head of Commercial Operations, then Director of Environment and Communities, within Renfrewshire Council. As director, her portfolio was diverse and challenging, with strategic and corporate responsibilities, along with the delivery of many frontline services. Her career in public service spanned 38 years, until her retirement in 2018 when she moved to Dornoch with her husband.

Since retiring Shona has pursued several carefully chosen voluntary roles, namely:

• UHI North Highland, since 2020: independent board member: Chair of Audit & Risk Management Committee: former Chair of Human Resources Committee and member of Remuneration Committee.
• Highland Hospice, since 2019: independent member and Co-Chair of Board of Trustees: member of various governance committees.
• NHS Highland, Centre for Health: voluntary contributor.
• Dornoch Area Community Interest Company: voluntary board director

Committee Membership - Remuneration, Chair Finance and General Purposes.

Shona MacDougall

Debbie Miller, Vice Principal - Operations and Senior Responsible Officer (North Highland) content

Debbie Miller, Vice Principal - Operations and Senior Responsible Officer (North Highland)

Debbie Miller, Vice Principal - Operations and Senior Responsible Officer (North Highland)

Debbie is Vice Principal - Operations at UHI North, West and Hebrides, and Senior Responsible Officer for campus operations in North Highland. 

Thurso born Debbie has extensive senior-level experience in further and higher education and served as Principal and Chief Executive of UHI North Highland from October 2020. She holds an educational career spanning roles in; administration; teaching; funding; and new business development during her time at the college and has enjoyed working closely with other University of the Highlands and Islands partner colleges. Debbie has also built strong relationships with local businesses, as well as a network of stakeholders across the UK and abroad. 

Debbie Miller

Neil Hope, Vice Chair of Board content

Neil Hope, Vice Chair of Board

Neil Hope, Vice Chair of Board

Neil is a Vice Chair lives on the Isle of Skye, where he ran a successful guest house business for a number of years and currently chairs his local community council.

His working background is in the finance and banking, primarily in risk management and compliance.

Serving as an independent board member at UHI West Highland has been a rewarding and enjoyable experience and one which I wish to continue after the merger.

I am passionate about providing learning opportunities in the Highlands and in ensuring that the college is pivotal in providing growth in our communities.

Committee Membership - Vice Chair, Chair Audit and Risk Management, Chair Human Resources

Neil Hope